Ceramics Museum

The exhibition sprawls across four floors in the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà, located in the heart of Savona. The Palace was restored and turned into a museum thanks to the A. De Mari Foundation, who advocated strongly for the creation of a ceramics exhibition centre pooling together private and public collections, for exhibit in a prestigious and central venue.
The Museo della Ceramica and the Pinacoteca housed in Palazzo Gavotti are two adjoining spaces that offer a combined tour itinerary.
The new museum provides adequate accommodation to public and private collections, the most relevant of which are:
- a huge collection of apothecary jars from the ancient San Paolo Hospital;
- white-blue majolicas from Prince Boncompagni-Ludovisi and Folco collections;
- the collection of the A. De Mari Foundation - Cassa di Risparmio di Savona (including furniture and equipment of the Cavanna Pharmacy in Genoa);
- the Figliolia collection;
- the Bixio collection;
- the contemporary art collection of the International Biennial of Ceramics.
The outstandingly beautiful and elegant works on display in the Museo della Ceramica are evidence of an uninterrupted tradition spanning more than six centuries in Savona and Albisola - two of the most ancient and important production centres in the Mediterranean area, as evidenced by the local museums, churches, city monuments, urban design, as well as the many and still operating craftsmen.
Telephone: +39 331 8916650
E-mail: info@museodellaceramica.savona.it / certificata@pec.fondazionemdc.savona.it