The Musei Civici del Comune di Savona (Civic Museums of the City of Savona) – MUSA - are scattered over different locations and hold and display several collections:
The Museo d'Arte di Palazzo Gavotti (Palazzo Gavotti Art Museum), which is divided into the Pinacoteca Civica (Civic Art Gallery), the Milena Milani Contemporary Art Collection in memory of Carlo Cardazzo, and the Ceramics Museum.
The Priamar Historical Complex and Palazzo della Loggia (the Loggia): The Civico Museo Archeologico e della Città (Archaeological, Civic and City Museum) and the Sandro Pertini and Renata Cuneo Museum.
In addition, Savona boasts several religious museums:
The Museo del Tesoro della Cattedrale (Museum of the Treasure of the Cathedral)
The Museo del Tesoro del Santuario (Museum of the Treasure of the Sanctuary)
The Quadreria del Seminario Vescovile (Gallery of the Episcopal Seminary).
The last museum in chronological order is the All About Apple Museum, a must-see for Apple fans - a large private collection that has become the best stocked Apple museum in the world.
Corso Italia, 19 - 17100 Savona
Codice fiscale 00175270099
Partita I.V.A. 00318690096
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Sito del comune di Savona